Final Blog Assignment

There are many consequences of learning that I feel can help me in my professional and personal development. UNESCO recently published the policy report Caring and Learning Together: a cross-national study of the integration of early childhood care and education in education . Written by John Bennett, Yoshie Kaga, and Peter Moss, it examines an important policy option for the future development of ECCE services, based on the experience of five countries (Brazil, Jamaica, New Zealand, Slovenia, and Sweden) and one city (Ghent in Belgium) that have integrated ECCE within the education system. It looks at the rationale, process, extent, and consequences of integration and draws important conclusions. It also includes perspectives from countries that have chosen to retain split systems. The Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) has therefore chosen the 2012 annual theme: “Early Experiences Matter: Building Foundations for Lifelo...