
Showing posts from March, 2015

Module 6 Assignment 2

Making Sense What Children See      One resource that represents innovative and inspiring approaches for fostering learning during early childhood is titled, “How We are Teaching Computers to Understand Pictures.” This resource is in the Fostering Early Learning section of the optional resource for this week. Fei-Fei Li is the creator of “ smart vision. ” This concept is a form or related to visual intelligence. The first step in this concept is to bring “computer vision” and “machine learning,” together. Ms.Li’s research team actually found an algorithm used years ago that was compatible with their set of instructions. An algorithm is a set of instructions, sometimes called a procedure or a function that is used to perform a certain task. The task in this case was instructions to teach the computers how to understand pictures.      In other words, Ms. Li’s team found a way for a computer to see mor...