Getting To Know My International Contacts
My Goal - Work To Solve Children's Problems My first conversation partner is a early childhood professional from Wales, Australia, named Kurt Walker.Kurt has shared with me the national curriculum, and educator's guide they use in his school.He has explained to me how he uses the 'Emergent Curriculum' and the 'Project Approach (Reggio Emilia). My other conversation partner is Dr. Mihaela Ionescu Program Director for the International Step by Step Association ( ISSA) in Budapest. They are leading a professional membership association of 31 non-governmental organizations from Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia working in the field of early childhood in their own countries. Dr. Ionescu has connected me with Carmen Lica, Director, for Step by Step Centre for Educational and Professional Development in Romania. They both have shared with me the Romania Early Childhood Inclusion Overview Report published in 2011 where there is information about Romania, bu...