There are always two adults the classroom, including myself and another teacher. Recently, since the beginning of this school year, I have been doing most of the manual duties in the classroom. This person’s motivation to do the necessary manual tasks was not evident even after the children left from school. I waited until the right time to confront the person and tell them how I felt about it. I did not approach the person in an aggressive way and my tone was pleasant and calm. I was implementing the nonviolent communication strategy that I have learned. After we talked about it and they knew how I felt, we started considering options and alternatives to work better as a team. We resolved the conflict and we decided the outcome would be to compromise taking turns doing the duties. It was not “random selection” outcome, it was a “Win-Win” outcome, because, when both of us share the manual task equally, then we can respond better to the children more effectively. If anyone else...