Observing Communication
I was in an early childhood classroom at one particular school. It was circle time, and the children and teacher were on the carpet. Now I have been in this classroom before. One distinct thing I noticed was whenever a certain young child would get his turn to talk, the teacher would limit his conversation, by telling him “we do not have time, please do not talk. I only want one word that begins with our letter of the week.” He just like to talk. On this particular day the teacher was letting each child answer a question about the new letter for the week. She would go around the circle, and give each child a chance to speak. I noticed, and observed when it was this young boy’s turn, he responded again with more than one answer. Everyone in the circle looked baffled and all eyes were turn in his direction. For a brief moment the teacher was caught off guard, however, she quickly regained her composure before anyone except myself could noticed. The young boy kept giving her w...