Ethical Responsibilities to Children in the NAEYC, reflect my aspirations as a practitioner. One of the ideals in this section was"to advocate for and ensure that all children, including those with special needs, have access to the support services needed to be successful." (NAEYC, 2005) Children need someone to advocate for there needs and follow up on their progress. It is meaningful to do this in the sense, that success will follow for that child if, we the practitioner, follow through. In my professional life, this ideal is very significant, because, after I advocate and ensure that a need has been fulfilled, I will see the success of that child later in life.

Ethical Responsibilities to Families in the NAEYC, also reflect my aspirations as a practitioner. The ideal" to develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve," (NAEYC, 2005) means a lot to me because, the child needs support from all adults, even besides parents. Once that relationship and trust starts between practitioner and families the child benefits. The ideal is significant in my professional life because the program I have developed, brings families closer to the involvement of the child, thus creates a partnership. The families have let me come into their homes, or their world, and I also have let them into mine.


  1. Hi Larry,
    This is very well put!!! Great posting thanks for sharing this with us.
    Good Luck,

  2. This is an awesome post. Thanks for all of your support this semester. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Best of Luck,



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