Consequences of Stress on Children's Development

I decided to write on noise. When I was a child I grew up next to a train station. The train tracks were so close to our house, I could feel my bed shake at night. This cause some night mares. I thought the train would fall off the tracks, roll over and crash into our house This noise kept me up a lot. I coped with the noise by reading comic books,and other books. Looking at books helped me to fall asleep. "Helping children with fear of loud noises can be frustrating, particularly when you cannot avoid these noises, but remember that most children eventually grow out of this" ( Harms, Nichole, 1999-2013). Eventually I grew out of this. " All children have fears at some point in their life and it is usually considered to be a normal part of development. These fears are only abnormal if they are persistent or keep the child overly preoccupied with the subject that is feared, so that it interferes with normal activities, if the child can not be reassured or distracted away from the fear (becoming a phobia), or if it is an irrational fear. Whether or not a fear is irrational depends on a child's age and developmental level. For example, it is normal for a 2 year old to be afraid of sitting on the potty, but it would be irrational for an 8 year old to have the same fear." (1999-2011).
"When Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausecu forbade birth control and abortions in the 1980's,illegal abortions became the leading cause of death for Romanian women aged 15 o 45, and more than 100,000 children were abandoned to crowded, impersonal, state -run orphanages. The children experienced severe deprivation, including virtually no normal interaction, play, or conversation. Romanian infants are no longer available for adoption, but some are still abandon by their parents. All infants need basic love and stimulation; all seek attachment- secure if possible, insecure if not. Without this sort of support, an infant becomes disorganized and adrift, emotionally troubled because extreme early social deprivation is very difficult to overcome" (Berger, 2012).


Berger, K.S. (2012). The developing person through childhood (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.


  1. Larry,
    I can see how the continued and excessive noise affected you as a child. It was very natural for you as a child to have the worries you did. How did losing sleep every night and dealing with fear everyday affect other areas of your life as a child? I imagine that it would have affected your ability to concentrate at school etc. I am glad that you found a healthy way to cope. Did you have to deal with this situation for most of your childhood? My daughter used to be afraid of loud noises such as motorcycles, the vacuum, blender etc. I told her that the noises cant hurt her but are just a part of life. She has mostly outgrown this fear now but pauses when she hears a loud voice and says with a smile, I'm not scared!


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