"My Supports"

In my opinion, you can look at support two ways. You can be the giver, the person who gives the support, or the receiver, the person who receives the support.

Some of the support I receive on a daily basis consist of these factors: My employment , because it supports me with monetary benefits, affordable health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement benefits. The benefits from my employment are necessary for me to provide support for myself and my family.

My family supports me with unconditional love, a love I would probably not get from anyone else. The benefits of this support come from three children, a disabled wife, and a mother and father both in their eighties with hearts that could touch everyone in the world. One benefit is knowing, whatever I do, fail or succeed , they will always be there for me.

 It would probably be very inconvenient for me to provide for my family without employment, especially now with the status of our present economy. Without medical benefits, transportation, and paying the mortgage, we would probably be almost homeless. The impact would be devastating.

Without anyone to love and come home to or to visit, I am convince I would not be the same person I am today. I would probably start looking for something or someone to fill my emptiness. I would be very lonely.

My challenge would be if I only spoke English and I went to a non-English speaking country. I would really need some "cultural responsiveness," to support me.
As Dr.Rosa Milagros Santos stated in her interview, " cultural responsiveness consist of the ability to relate and communicate with others" (Santos, n.d.).
 First I would need an interpreter to help me communicate with people in the country. Second, I would probably need a teacher, or tutor to help me learn the language.

With an interpreter I would have the support to be more mobile and get important information to help me to live in that country daily. If I had a teacher or tutor for seven days a week daily, this would support my efforts to learn to speak the language.

Without these supports it would practically be difficult to exist in another country without these supports. I would not be able to communicate or be any help to anyone else. I would be lost.


  1. Hi Larry,
    Very nice blog. Is that you and your son in the picture? I am with you about my job without it, I would not be able to provide for my family as well. I am really touched by what you said about your parents. Sounds like you have inherited a great deal of kindness from them.
    Thank you for sharing a little about you and your family.

  2. Hi Larry,

    What a beautiful family you have with the support system from your parents. You hold them at such high esteem and therefore giving to you may not seem difficult at all for them! I enjoyed reading about the give and take that you hav explained. And I agree with you that moving to a new country would require tremendous support. Even without language barriers, one would need to summon a whole lot of internal support to cope and start a new life in a n unknown place!

    I enjoyed reading your blog.



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