Reflecting on Learning

I knew this course was going to be special for me. Not because it was a “specialization course,” but, because, as it has been said “save the best for last.” All of the collaborative experiences I have encountered have enriched my learning in this course, and has helped me to expand and deepen my understanding of effective ways in which to support children’s healthy development in a multiracial, multilingual, and multicultural world. Communicating with people through an online course gave me something to look forward to each week. Each week was like talking to new neighbors (colleagues) in a close online community. Hey! Come to think of it, this course had a group of “diverse” people (colleagues). We were a diverse group in our own community. We were building and establishing relationships just like we were learning how to do in our classroom with diverse children through this course.
Wow, where do I start with my passions? As an early childhood professional, I hope to be committed to my work, children and families. I really hope to make a social change for the sake of all children who are treated unfairly. I hope I can be a strong advocate for children and their families. Somewhere in my journey I hope to write books about equity for all children. I hope to start within my classroom, and build a community. I hope to take that community to the local government, state government, and federal government, and be a voice for all children. I would like to be the children’s “watchdog, and advocate” I really admire Louise Derman-Sparks & Julie Olsen-Edwards for their contributions, and time to introduce me to anti-bias education. I will use the textbook “Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves,” for a very long time.

I hope the children will learn how words can hurt, and prepare them for healthy social and emotional development through anti-bias education. I will not ignore children and their families, and make them invisible. I hope I will earn their trust, and they can see the positive example I hope to be for their children. I also hope to establish relationships that will be effective in the development of healthy children.

I would thank all of my colleagues including Dr. Lisset Bird-Pickens. My colleagues have been an inspiration throughout this course. I hope to one day see them in my journey on becoming an anti-bias educator teaching diversity in early childhood education.


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