My Personal Research Journey

  I chose excellence and equity of care and education for children and families, because, it gives children and families an opportunity to experience child development in a positive and healthy environment. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), "the demand for early childhood care and education programs continues to increase not only in response to the growing demand for out-of-home child care but also in recognition of the critical importance of educational experiences during the early years. Several decades of research clearly demonstrate that high-quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood programs produce short- and long-term positive effects on children's cognitive and social development" (Children) I, selected this topic because it is a worldwide issue in other countries as well, and to me this gives this particular topic great depth. The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union stated, “early childhood education is the most important issue of education policy and one of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency”, highlighted was Rózsa Hoffmann, Minister of State for Education of the Ministry of National Resources, at a conference in Budapest, on 21 February. The politician added, “It’s especially important for disadvantaged children, to receive education as early as possible” (Union, 2013).
  The simulation process is very exciting, for me, because I hope my research will become a reality, and I will be able to provide a social change for children and families. Since the simulation process began, and after reading the articles, I feel like a critical consumer of research already. I know now that my topic could have a quantitative approach or qualitative approach in my research simulation. Based on some of my citations, I know this topic also involves some longitudinal research too.
  Since constructing the research chart I have learned that paradigms can use different approaches to data. I have also learned that the a good research method will be determined by the research paradigm
    I would like to ask my colleagues, what method do they think is more effective, deductive research, or inductive research? I also would like to share the article “What Does Research Say about Early Childhood Education?” Can anyone shares a resource or two with me that has to do with beginners in research?
Children, T. N. (n.d.). A Call for Excellence in Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from NAEYC:
Union, E. (2013). History: Conference on Early Childhood Education and Care - “Excellence and Equity in Early Childhood Education and Care” Click for the event PreHistory: Conference on Early Childhood Education and Care . Retrieved from Early childhood education plays key role:


  1. As always, you bring so much passion to the filed. I hope to see your dreams come true with your chosen topics. It is possible. All we need to do as educators is to stay attentive of young children's rights and learn ways on exercising them. Great post Mr. Larry!

  2. It was suppose to say field Larry, sorry!

  3. Hi Larry,

    I really enjoyed your post. I think the topic of quality care is important especially when it pertains to early education. I think its important that as educators we stress how crucial and beneficial it is to provide our children and families with services that are high-quality. I find your passion inspirational and motivating and I wish you luck on this journey.

    Ashley Daniels


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