Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The National Association for the Education of Young Children appeals to me, because, their mission is to “serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of all young children with primary focus on the provision of educational and developmental services and resources” (A Call for Excellence in Early Childhood Education). I chose NAEYC, because, I am pursuing my degree in early childhood to serve, and act on the behalf of all children. A job opening for manager of child care operations interest me. The skills and experience included “responsible to the state licensing facility to ensure proper licensing requirements have been met, work to achieve high star ratings, and fulfill CYFD regulations. The manager hires and oversees staff workers including work study students, sets up work schedules and ensures state mandatory training is provided for all employees. The manager interacts with parents and young children and to create a safe and nurturing environment for children from toddlers through 3rd grade. The manager maintains a positive working relationship between the child care facility and the early child education department, acknowledging that ECME students have access to the childcare for academic purposes” (A Call for Excellence in Early Childhood Education).
The National Parent Teacher Association appeals to me, because, their “mission is to support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children” (About ED - Educational Associations and Organizations, 2014). I chose NPTA, because, parents, and teachers can advocate for changes needed in their schools. A job opening for an early childhood teacher was interesting to me. The skills and experience included “excellent verbal, listening, and written communication skills, excellent organizational skills, and 2+ years of early childhood education experience desirable, and · 1+ years of experience working with assigned age group desirable” (National Parent Teacher Association Salaries | Simply Hired, 2014).
The United States Department of Education appeals to me. Their mission is “to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access” (U.S. Department of Education). I also chose this federal organization, because, I believe ensuring equal access to all education will also limit discrimination in education. A job opening for an Education Research Scientist/Analyst interest me, because, since enrolling in this program I find research very interesting. The skills for this job, education research scientist requires “demonstration of strong research skills and knowledge in an area of specialization. SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Education Research Scientist must have at least 5 years of research experience in education-related fields (e.g., cognitive, developmental, educational, or social psychology; economics; education; statistics” (Jobs at ED | US Department of Education).

A Call for Excellence in Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from Job Seekers:
A Call for Excellence in Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from National and Federal Organizations for Teachers Learning how to Improve Parent Involvement in the classroom:
About ED - Educational Associations and Organizations. (2014, January 7). Retrieved from National organizations and federal organizations or communities of practice for teachers learning how to improve parent involvement in the classroom:
Jobs at ED | US Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from Department of Education:
National Parent Teacher Association Salaries | Simply Hired. (2014). Retrieved from Jobs in in the National Parent Teacher Association:
U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from Department of Education:


  1. Larry,
    NAEYC is always a great choice for building your knowledge and competencies in the field! Additionally, I think the National Parent Teacher Association and the US Department of Education are wonderful choices for National organizations of interest! The Research Analyst position with the D.O.E. is one that is also of great interest to me-- I would just have to gain those years experience in Educational research to qualify. Great work!

  2. Hi Larry,
    I also chose to research NAEYC and to find job opportunities through their website. They are a great resource for early childhood professionals and families. By reading your ideal jobs that you have found, it sounds like you are passionate about advocating for children's rights and well-being. I admire your enthusiasm!

  3. Hi Larry,
    The NAEYC appears to be a popular organization. I also chose this organization. They have so many resources and information that applies to my challenge as well as other people's challenge. The Parent Teacher Association is a great orgnaization as well, we need to keep the families involved in their child's education. Thanks for sharing.



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