Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The International Step by Step Association appealed to me, because, they have a passion for all children in this world and for their families as well. Their mission is to “support professional communities and develop a strong civil society that influences and assists decision makers to, provide high quality care and educational  services for all children from birth through primary school (birth through 10 years old), with a focus on the poorest and most disadvantaged , ensure greater inclusion of family and community participation in children's development and learning , ensure social inclusion and respect for diversity” (Association, 2014). Their mission statement appealed to me. ISSA is acting on the behalf of young children and their families. This is good for them because most cannot get their voices heard.
Right now there no specific employment opportunities listed at ISSA, however, if there were job opportunities they might be Executive Director, Program Director, Senior Program Manager, Membership Officer, and Office Coordinator. I do not know specifically what the skills and experience would be to competently fulfill each of these roles. Perhaps for the executive director the skills might be to design, develop and implement strategic plans for the organization in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. The Executive Director is also responsible for the day-to-day operation of the organization.I am currently a member of the ISSA and would like to work with them one day. I am very interested in learning how to speak Croatian, Romanian, and other languages that is represented by the ISSA.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) appealed to me also. The have a very unique perspective on the survival of all mankind by helping children. UNICEF will not discriminate in trying to help young children. Most of them have hardships in their life that is no fault of their own. UNICEF believes it is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized” UNICEF goes on to state “we have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. That makes us unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young ((UNICEF), Who We Are, 2012, p. 1).” Their mission is “ mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential” ((UNICEF), Mission Statement, 2007, p. 1).
A deputy executive director job opportunity is available with UNICEF in New York City. I am interested in this job, because, I feel I can be passionate and committed to provide a better life for children. For this position, UNICEF is looking for a passionate and committed professional, and someone who wants to make a lasting difference for children. The skills and experience you need for this position is an advanced university degree in international development, public administration or other relevant social sciences. At least fifteen years of progressively responsible professional experience in leadership and management, including but not limited to international organizations, governments, the private sector and NGOs.       Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of another UN language an asset.
 Another organization that appealed to me is the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE). I chose them, because they are working towards a positive change for children and families all over the world. Their mission is “to help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world”  ((CIEE), 2014). They have a teaching position open in China. The Teach in China Professional program is intended for those people looking to further their career in education or immerse themselves more in the Chinese work environment. This program is a more demanding work schedule both in terms of volume and intensity. Candidates for Teach in China Professional should have at least one year of teaching experience. As the lead classroom teacher your goal will be to improve the conversational English skills of your students. Through creative classroom exercises and educational games, your native English abilities and cultural savvy will improve the verbal competence of your eager Chinese students. ((CIEE), 2014).


Association, I. S. (2014). ISSA A learning community for inclusive, equitable and high-quality care and education for all young children. Retrieved from International Step by Step Association:
(CIEE), C. o. (2014). Who We Are. Retrieved from CIEE:
(UNICEF), U. N. (2007). Mission Statement. Retrieved from UNICEF:
(UNICEF), U. N. (2012). Who We Are. Retrieved from UNICEF:


  1. Larry,

    CIEE sounds like quite an interesting program. I have never heard of the organization but they seem passionate for working towards positive changes for children around the world. Their program in China sounds amazing!

    Tara Fleishman

  2. Larry,
    I, too, found the International Step by Step Association very intriguing. What I appreciate about this site is that it tailors to children up to age 10 and it helps the most disadvantaged children/families. I will definitely be referring to this site frequently!

  3. Hello Larry,
    The organization, The Council on Educational Exchange sounds very interesting. The opportunity to participate in an educational exchange in China would be challenging and a valuable experience all at the same time. Thank you for sharing your findings.


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