A Communication

A Communication

     A communication I had about an issue related to child development was that of trauma and toxic stress. When I found out how trauma and toxic stress can have a long lasting effect on young children into adulthood it really deepened my thinking. I realize that even as educators we really do not know what young children have been through and are going through. This is why I am so passionate about becoming an early childhood practitioner so I can give young children the buffering support of caring, consistent and a supportive relationship. One of the sources that gave me new insights is The Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built in Early Childhood. The link directly to this source is http://www.developingchild.harvard.edu. In countries where young children and families are the innocent victims of war or any other hardship do you think they are missing their childhood? Do they grow up too fast? Does anyone do anything about misplaced children in war torned countries?


  1. Larry,
    I believe that children that are victims of war and hardship can cause a child to miss their childhood. Trauma and toxic stress can affect an adult's life if it is not dealt with professionally.

    1. Dear Myra,
      Thank you for your comment. I am deeply concerned about children who are victims of countries in unrest, and put children's needs to the side. One day I hope my family and I can find a way to help children who are parent-less because of hardships due to no fault of their own.I hope to be in a position to adopt or be a foster parent. Maybe if more intervention could be put into action then when this generation becomes adults there would be less unrest in the world.


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