Discussing Your
Course Project
As an early childhood advocate, I
expect there to be challenges persuading the world leaders to put children and
their families first on their agendas in regards to health and development. As an advocate, I will embrace the personal challenges of young children
and their families in an attempt to promote positive social change. Some of
these challenges are children with varying abilities, families who have
immigrated, family constellations, children who are dual or multiple language
learners, and prenatal risk factors.
Reflecting on some of the challenges today’s young children and families are experiencing, it was not easy for me to just pick one, however the challenge that influences me the most was “children and families exposed to risk, stress, or trauma.” I have selected this challenge because it is important for children and their families to experience good health and positive child development. When children and families that live in communities especially those who are in poverty experience good health and positive child development, then communities can promote positive social changes in our societies. My initial values and beliefs in working with children and families living with this challenge is that all children should have a risk-free, stress-free, and trauma free childhood to eliminate lifelong repercussions. My questions about working with this population of children and families are what types of interventions would be effective to restore and improve positive child outcomes? How do we work to improve parent capabilities will this eliminate toxic stress?
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