The Interview Process
My interview process is going slow due to assessments in the school and other school related activities including parent-teacher conference this week. Some of the successes are working closely with this population and colleagues at a Titled 1 school. The questions in my interview touches on some of the types of experience that my interview contacts have had, or is having presently. The challenges seem to be not enough time during the day to sit down for in depth interviews. For example one of my interviews was on a school bus heading to the “pumpkin patch” for a field trip.

My course project challenge is young children and families exposed to risk, stress, and trauma. My sub-topic is “toxic stress.” Module 6 was about the same challenge and it was wonderful! I am anxious to begin a literature review on the research. At this point the only thing I am unclear about is if there is a connection between the “complexity theory” and “complex trauma.” I hope to find the answer soon.


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