Course Goals

 Course Goals
     My current understanding of policies and systems is that there is a large spectrum of people involved in making decisions, implementing strategies, and providing research for early childhood. It does not consist only of children, families, teachers, staff, and administrators inside the school but external stakeholders as well. The continuum of early childhood includes systems and subsystems. These systems and subsystems play major roles in building frameworks for early education.
     My first obtainable goal through this course that might assist me in becoming more effective in my professional role is to become an active advocate for children’s rights on local, state, and national issues and policies concerning young children and their families.

     How will this goal assist me in becoming more effective in my professional role?
When I accepted this position as an early childhood professional, I took an oath of ethical conduct in my daily practice with children and their families in programs for children from birth through the age of 8 years of age and specifically preschool. In the NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment (2011) stated “To advocate for and ensure that all children, including those with special needs, have access to the support services needed to be successful” (NAEYC, 2011). In order for me to obtain this goal I need to know and understand how systems are created and what subsystems are most effective. Since attending Walden University, my communication skills are improving day by day and I hope to use these skills to advocate for children on an international level.

     How will this goal will help me navigate early childhood systems and/or engage in public policies that impact young children and their families?

     As an advocate for children’s rights I be able to navigate by contacting people involved with local, state, and national early childhood systems, and learn about public policies that impact young children and their families. I would create a collective obligation between society and early childhood education field to advocate for the best interest of children within early childhood programs and produce an effective system that serves as a voice for young children everywhere.

     Another goal I hope to achieve through this course is to learn how to apply the “inside-out” approach to engage in “systemic thinking.”

     How will this goal assist me in becoming more effective in my professional role?

     This approach will help me be more effective in my professional role by providing the best support for young children and their families. My awareness of strategies, resources, and frameworks that can be used for service integration will also expand.

     How will this goal help me to navigate early childhood systems and/or engage in public     policies that impact young children and their families?

     This approach will give me some insight into early care and education systems and extend to comprehensive services including health and mental health services. Using this approach I will be able to advocate for appropriate public policies to better address the needs of young children and families.

     The third obtainable goal to achieve through this course is to learn how to develop a framework for a comprehensive early childhood system that will work in my program along with the elements in the state infrastructure.

     How will this goal assist me in becoming more effective in my professional role?

     This goal will assist me in my professional role to be more productive in my program and address the needs of young children and their families. I will be more effective introducing public policies to local and state governments.

     How will this goal help me to navigate early childhood systems and /or engage in public policies that impact young children and their families?

     I will be able to navigate early childhood systems by developing new policies, services and programs that impact young children and their families. Hopefully, this framework will also be less confusing with less terminologies and definitions for early childhood systems.

NAEYC. (2011). NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, 1-9.


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