My Family Culture

   The three items I would chose would be photographs of my family, seeds of the foods we eat for planting a garden, and books. The photographs can tell a thousand words about my family culture, such as where I was born, who my mother and father were, and what I did as a child. The seeds could be planted to represent the types of food we eat in our culture, and I could share the food with the people that accepted us into their country. The books would be in my family’s language along with the Bible, which reflects my family’s culture, and religion. I would not feel too bad about giving up two personal items because, I would keep the pictures to keep me connected to my family culture. This assignment has reinforced what I have known for a while, and that is I love my family very much, and I am who I am today because of my family.They are very dear to me and realized that we are only on this planet for a while, and we should appreciate everything our families do and have done for us, past, present, and future. When I think about it, growing up as an child, I never really thought of our family as a culture, only as a happy family!


  1. I like your post. I never thought as my family as a culture, we were happy children, but looking at the world today, I can understand why I was sheltered as a child.

  2. Larry
    How interesting that you put seeds of the foods you eat on your list of items. Not only would it be a tie to your past, but the seeds enable you to carry that culture forward even in a new location. What a unique approach!
    Thanks for sharing


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