
Showing posts from April, 2015

Module 8 Assignment 2 Early Childhood Professional Blog

Early Childhood Professional blog             The book entitled Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs (2012) is a very inspiring resource for the development of children from birth through age 8. This book is very thought-provoking because it is suggesting that “an excellent teacher makes it a priority to develop a warm, positive relationship with each child” (Bredekamp, 2012) . Immediately after reading that statement I started to reflect to make sure I was in that category. I am! The authors stated that relationships are vital to young children’s learning and development in all areas  (Bredekamp, 2012) . Discovering other practitioners creating classroom communities and making it a point to learn about each child’s personality, abilities, interests, and ways of learning inspires me to do the same in my classroom.             The most current research that challenges my thinking is how “toxic stress” can affect “executive functioning” in young children