"Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is
a blessing." Anonymous.
I chose this quote because, I remember while I was playing, my home was not to far from where I was playing, and I could always hear either, my mother's or father's voice saying," Larry! it is time to come in now," because I would play until it got dark outside. I was blessed.
" I dream of painting and then I paint my dream"
Author: Vincent Van Gogh
I chose this quote because, in my childhood I had dreams of playing, and so, I painted my dreams, I played!
I was given the opportunity to play, and I am so grateful for that opportunity.
This was my transportation to and fro. |
Putting together models, was one of my first hobbies.
From sun up to sun down, any sport with a ball, I played!
There was always support in my neighborhood, for cub scouts, little league baseball, and junior achievement. My parents were very supportive, and I am glad they did not limit my play too much, but kept the reins within reach.
In my childhood, play was a very, very, important role because, I was able to develop cognitively, bio-socially, and psycho-socially normally. I met new friends through play and, had great interaction with all my playmates.
Today, play is a lot different than when I was growing up. Then, you did not worry about children being kidnapped or missing, so it was alright to play until night time.You did not have to worry about senseless shootings on the playgrounds stemming from gang violence. You did not have to worry about bullying in school, on the playground, and in your neighborhood.
Educationally, play was the number one course on the schedule.There was a time when the staff, teachers, principal would actually come out to the playground and join in the playground activities. Then they encouraged for all students to go to the playground, or the gym, to play. There were no Sol's, academic pressures, or state requirements to meet. My hope is people will let children be children and let them play, without any interference from adults, such as parents, teachers, and anyone who forgot what it was like to be a child.
The role of play has been awesome! I still reminisce of my childhood days playing with all of my new friends. It actually brings a smile to my face. I must have had a good childhood if I can still see myself playing, and remembering every detail moment of each event. As an adult, parent, and educational professional, I see how play, plays an important role in any one's life, so I do not take it for granted. I feel as though I am a well rounded person, and I believe play had and still does have a lot to do with my personality, and character. I hope all children will be in safe and playable surroundings as they continue in their play experience.
Hi Larry,
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing post. Reading your post was like reading about my childhood and my play in a totally different part of the world - India. Even there, in the cities parents dont let children wander away like we did, because of heavy population, pollution and the fear of strangers doing untoward things to children. I feel sad that children of today's generation are not able to experience what we had and we are truly blessed that we are able to share our play experiences with a sense of sheer joy!
Thanks so much!