Relationship Reflection

Relationship Reflection
When I considered the following quote: " Human relationships, and the effects of relationships on relationships, are the building blocks of healthy development" ( Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000, p. 4), I felt the need to find the source of this quote, because, it seemed  to be the very essence of my life. I am a human being, and most of my development did come from effective human relationships. After reading, From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development ( 2000) Institute of Medicine, it gave me some insight, what helps me to exist, and that is "relationships." This quote is considered to be a core concept of development in this book. The definition of the word " core" to me, means the very essence. Relationships are important to me, because, they help me to develop in all kinds of ways, such as, physically, mentally, and emotionally.Currently, I have a positive relationship with my wife, step-daughter, and two sons.My wife is my partner, and we work as a team, which helps us to develop and maintain our relationship. My step-daughter's father is not in the picture, so our relationship has grown, and strengthened. I am raising her as my own, and she has not been disrespectful to say the least. My oldest son, never let's anything or anybody take our time together away. I am there for him to do homework and teach him how to play sports. My youngest son, that I call sometimes "FOL," which means full of life, gives me plenty of exercise, so physically, we are both quite healthy. I am so thankful to have the privilege of raising him. The challenges to developing and maintaining relationships are mostly within myself. If I want to keep a positive relationship, I cannot respond in an negative fashion. I have to challenge myself to not react in an negative way in the relationship. A special characteristic is that we all take part in, is to love, and to be loved by each other. this helps us to be better partners, in what we do. My experiences with relationships, will always impact my work as an early childhood professional, because, I know how fragile relationships can be. Just as first time parents bringing their children to school for the first time and leaving their child to someone other than themselves. These families need a positive relationship and partnership from me, or any early childhood professional that enjoys impacting people's lives in a positive way.


  1. I am so happy for you, that you were given time to play. Those experiences you will carry forever with you.


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