I honestly can say in my life so far, I have not been the target of microaggressions, that has cause a verbal or physical response.There has been little to none microaggressions aim directly at me, however , I have witness microaggressions happen to other people. I remember in the beginning of this school year, all the preschool teachers, including myself had to do intake the week before the children started school. The teacher next to my class had just finished an intake on a young girl from Africa. She hurriedly walk into our room and said,” I must be the first white face, that girl has ever seen. She would not answer me at all, or look directly in my face. Maybe her parents have taught her this at home,” she said. Just because, you have been in the early childhood profession for over 20 years, it does not give anyone the right to assume, that just because, a child will not respond to you has anything to do with the color of your skin. I thought, here we have an early childhood ...